Tuesday, April 22, 2008


There are many different reasons and theories of why the United States invaded Iraq. The three main reasons that the Bush Administration had for invading, whether they admit to them or not, were the attacks of 9/11, oil, and weapons of mass destruction. It is clear that President Bush first invaded Iraq out of anger resulting from the attacks on 9/11 and he claimed to be searching for weapons of mass destruction that Saddam Hussein was hiding. It has also been suggested that Bush invaded Iraq to try to finish the job that his father couldn’t complete in Baghdad in 1991.

It is evident that the reasons for invading Iraq as well as what we are fighting for is not cut and dry. Sadly, it seems as though our government is trying to fight a war for a reason that they are not willing to share with the rest of the Country. In the beginning George Bush jumped to conclusions and said that we needed to invade Iraq because they were harboring weapons of mass destruction. It is evident that no one really knows the real reasons why we are in Iraq, only the Bush Administration truly knows. Thus, we do not know what success will look like. Perhaps success will be when Iraq and surrounding countries are stable enough to function on their own without threats of terror. Unfortunately, with the way that things are going overseas now, success is not within our reach for a long time.

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