Friday, March 28, 2008

Glass Walls

A quote was mentioned in class, “if slaughter houses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian” – Paul McCartney. I found this quote interesting because this could be true for many other ethical activities that go on that we do not see every day. If everyone could see war and see the pain and suffering that the soldiers go through, they would be against war. I believe it all comes back to choices, and that humans have many different choices, but sometimes our ignorance clouds our decisions.

This quote is important to us because we should watch what goes on in slaughter houses. If people had a better idea of what goes on in slaughter houses they would be more willing to help with animal rights. People will be more supportive of factory produced meat rather than the extreme slaughtering of animals. I do believe that eating meat is ethical, but that it is important to know where your meat is coming from. By informing and showing people where their meat comes from, more people will be supportive and interested in how animals are treated.

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