Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sense of Time

I wonder if humans can have a sense of real time or if it is just the idea of time that we have mathematically created with a clock. Is our internal clock our sense of time or is it just our body’s reaction to routine? I believe that we have a good sense of time because whether I have to wake up at five in the morning or nine in the morning, I always wake up right before my alarm goes off. I believe that somehow our body’s can sense real time even when we are not awake. Although I believe that humans can sense time, I don’t believe that animals have the same abilities. Perhaps I am wrong, but I don’t believe that all animals have the capacity to know what time it is. It seems as though domestic animals that appear to have a sense of time, such as dogs and cats, are only reacting to their owners. When it appears that animals always know that dinner is at five o’clock every night, this is not their sense of time, but rather a learned behavior. Animals, especially domestic animals, thrive when they have a strict schedule that they can depend on. Perhaps humans have also developed a dependency upon routine and have been able to “sense” time like animals do. But I tend to believe that humans have more ability to understand and comprehend the idea of time than animals do.

1 comment:

Jaclyn Ford said...

I agree with what you have said. I wonder if someone has ever studied whether "wild" animals have a sense of time or not.