Sunday, December 9, 2007

Entertainment value or educational?

Acompora related zoos to pornography by the way that nonhumans, or animals, are changed into a different image much like the way that women are given a different image in pornography. I believe that zoos are similar to pornography in the way that wild animals are forced to live a certain way than what is natural to them, just so that humans can gaze at them. It is evident that animals in zoos are completely innocent and have no choice in their inhabitance at the zoo. Pornography is a bit different, people that participate, do it by choice. Although, some argue that people get stuck in the porn industry because of drug and money problems.

Many people try to justify zoos as places with educational value. I see the educational value in zoos, but unfortunately zoos are not used for this purpose by the majority of the general public. Most people go to zoos just to see wild animals. And, quite ironically, people do not view true wild animals, but only images of what humans desire to see. While some people go to read the information provided about the animals, most people just walk around and avoid the learning experience. In this sense, zoos are much like pornography because they are for purely entertainment value.

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