Saturday, November 24, 2007

Is there a way to avoid work?

Many people view work as a means to an end as well as a way to pleasure. Work can be viewed as pain and as humans we try to escape pain and thus working can be viewed as alienation. College can also be viewed as a means to an end because college is associated with making more money in the work force. The human race is always trying to better their lives and work towards having a pleasurable end. I completely agree with Marx, that people are continually preparing their whole lives for a small pleasurable end. Most people begin working when they are still teenagers and work throughout their lives until retirement, so that they can enjoy the remainder of their lives. Although I believe working is important and that it is critical for survival, one can never know when he or she is going to die. Therefore, someone could work hard their entire life and never be able to enjoy their hard work. Our society is programmed to be successful and to work hard in order to have a pleasurable end. Unfortunately, this desirable end comes with many costs and hard work that force people to become alienated by their work. Today, society is encouraged that you have to go to college in order to get a decent job. It seems as though people are only attending college so that they can work towards the pleasurable end that they desire. I believe that Marx is right when saying that work alienates us, and that we might be working towards something that we cannot enjoy. But I believe that we have to work in order to survive, and that there is no way to avoid working.

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